To use ANSI-Escape sequences in a Windows10 console, it must be enabled in the registry:
- Press “WIN+r” hotkey
- Enter “cmd.exe” ⏎
- Enter “REG ADD HKCU\CONSOLE /f /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 1” ⏎
Using it with scala (13.6), example:
File “ansi.scala”:
import io.AnsiColor._
println(s"${RED}${BOLD}Hello world!${RESET}")
println(s"${YELLOW}${BOLD}Hello world!${RESET}")
println(s"${GREEN}${BOLD}Hello world!${RESET}")
File “ansiRunAsScalaScript.bat”:
@call scala ansi.scala
File “ansi_linux.scala:
(Code is Scala 3 syntax)
import io.AnsiColor._
@main def hello =
println(s"${RED}${BOLD}Hello world!${RESET}")
println(s"${YELLOW}${BOLD}Hello world!${RESET}")
println(s"${GREEN}${BOLD}Hello world!${RESET}")
end hello
File “” (LF):
scala ansi_linux.scala
read -p "Press [Enter] key …"
Or simplified uses only one file (Linux only) “” (Scala 3 syntax):
exec scala "$0" "$@"
import io.AnsiColor._
@main def hello =
println(s"${RED}${BOLD}Hello world!${RESET}")
println(s"${YELLOW}${BOLD}Hello world!${RESET}")
println(s"${GREEN}${BOLD}Hello world!${RESET}")
end hello
Run with: